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Prof. Dr. Frank R?vekamp visited NCU

Prof. Dr. Frank R?vekamp, Director of the East Asia Institute of Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (LUBS) visited Nagoya City University (NCU) on November 11th, 2022.

Future collaboration between the two universities was discussed with Dr. Kiyofumi Asai, President of NCU, Dr. Kiyoko Yokoyama, Director of International Exchange Center, and Dr. Yoshitaka Shimono, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics.
Dr. R?vekamp gave a lecture on "German Energy Policy at the Crossroads. – Learning from Europe's Latest Situation" in Takiko campus that afternoon. 36 participants, mostly students from the Faculty of Economics, attended the lecture.

Since signing an exchange agreement in 2009, NCU and LUBS have promoted student exchange and academic collaboration, although face-to-face interaction temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 in the last two years.
The visit and the meeting have brought a great opportunity to strengthen cooperation between the two universities after the pandemic.

President Asai and Dr. R?vekamp

President Asai and Dr. R?vekamp

